Monday, May 7, 2007

All Nighter was a Success!!

It seems that even in my absence, SnS will forage on! Our All Night crop that started on Friday May 4th, and ended on Saturday May 5th was a resounding success.
I'm hoping to have pictures up on the website in a few days. I also wanted to thank everyone who was concerned that I wasn't there, don't worry folks, I just needed time to refuel. The creative juices have been a little dry lately, and I needed time to regroup.
June will be here before we know it, and I'd like to try to plan my classes out in advance. I've been surfing the web and there are so many wonderful craft ideas that in order to try them all I'd need to find a way to squeeze in 60 days into 30!LOL
Jeanne and I are heading to Maine on Thursday for 10 days and when we return, be prepared for the crafing watershed!
I'd like to leave you all with this thought...
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Kind of makes you go, hhhhhhmmmmmm....?


Van said...

I dont know what we will do with out you all for 10 days but I do know what I will be doing when you get back. Writting out a bunch more checks for Jean. Have fun be safe.
Robert Van Matre (Van)

Rae said...

I just started reading your blogs and started all the way from the beginning. Just wanted you to know, I love the "things that make you go hummmmm".